Application form

All applicants must complete the entire application form. Incomplete forms will not be considered.

Applications to be announced

5 ladies vs 5 guys

Each country will have a cast of 5 guys and 5 girls. Can’t wait to see the sparks flying.  Something is about to happen. 

Expect romance?

Can we expect romance between  among the group? Will it distract them from achieving their sales ? 

Application Form

Influencer Application form


Socail Media Platform Information

Please be advised this is important in decision-making on which influencers will be selected to be on the show.

Pictures and Videos

All pictures and videos must be recent and of the actual influencer. 

Will be the most exciting show on tv. Can’t wait to see it. 

Giles Manning

Now, this is what you call a reality show, not the crap that’s scripted. It’s going to be awesome!!

Denny Welsch

The world’s biggest influencer wine-tasting and entrepreneurial show. Join 200 influencers from 20 wine-producing countries, tasting 1000 wines, to win prizes to the value of $1,000,000.

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