Unwine: Wine tasting an entrepreneurial reality show

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Critic Rating:

Wine is bottled Poetry. "


Unwine is the world’s premier wine tasting and entrepreneurial reality show. 

Two hundred influencers, twenty  different countries, and millions of followers. Coming to you live 24/7 streaming daily entertaining a world-wide audience on the responsible use of alcohol as well the importance of consuming wine for the quality it brings.


South Africa




Get updates on what is coming on your next episode of Unwine


All stock pictures will be replaced with pictures of actual influencers once we have selected our 200 influencers for season 1.

Participating Countries

Diverse girlfriends with drinks taking selfie on beach
Smiling young businesswomen standing with glasses of champagne and looking away
pexels photo 3039183 Unwine
Good friends toasting with wine glasses
Making beautiful memories
boudoir 5198648 1280 e1658827349949 Unwine
Woman using a wine app at the restaurant




$ 1 M
0 K

How To Apply To Unwine?

Are you an influencer and ready to reach your 1m followers? If so, follow the steps below

African American woman happy and fun to cooking healthy food in home kitchen, online cook learning

Step 01

Influencer Sign up

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People holding yes or no signs

Step 02

Approval process

  • We will confirm your application
  • Successful contestants will receive further communication via official email
  • Pictures of contestants will be loaded on the website and announced globally
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alex mihai c c0P liCdjgk unsplash Unwine

Step 03

Influencers engage with followers while tasting wine

  • Contestants invite their followers to follow, like, and subscribe to Unwine on all social media platforms 
  • Contestants motivate maximum followers to follow
  • Contestants are invited to first wine farms for tasting and live interaction with followers and sales
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Sell - computer keyboard with green SELL button. Selling online concept

Step 04

Influencers start selling wine to their followers

  • Contestants will share a house on each wine estate for one week during which each episode will be produced. 
  • Influencers will conduct sales from the farm on a daily basis via their social media platforms to their 50,000+ followers.
  • Motivating followers to use his/her code
  • Influencers start selling to followers, restaurants and any possible client they can find to win $100,000 in series 1.
  • Followers buy wine at https://unwine.co.za/wine-store/ 

Step 05

Weekly sales commission pay-outs

  • Every Friday 5% sales commissions are paid out to contestants into their bank accounts with Unwine participating bank sponsor
Hands of businessperson with smartphone scrolling through online banking account
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Sales forecast on digital tablet

Step 06

Weekly elimination process

  • The contestant with the lowest sales will be eliminated from the wine estate weekly, for 10 weeks, until only one is standing, 
  • At the end of series 1, the winners of each country will walk away with – a $100,000 prize 
  • Each country winner will travel to the USA for the second series to vie for the $1m prize.
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Photo of hesitant African American male shrugs shoulders with uncertainty, keeps palms raised, feels

How does this help our wine producers and sellers?

You may ask; How does Unwine and its influencers ad value to your wine brand

As its name implies, influencer marketing involves businesses partnering with people of influence to help them put their businesses, products, or brand in front of specific target markets. using their power of influence to affect the purchase decisions of others. Our influencers can do this because each one of them has an average of 50,000 followers over whom they have some form of authority, knowledge, position, and a special relationship with -their audience. Our influencers have a significant following in the wine niche and actively engage with followers daily.

Let Unwine influence your brand

We understand the art and science of influencing your brand

If you are a wine producer, or seller get in contact with us and allow 200 influencers to expose your brand to more than 10m+ followers.

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We help wine brands work more efficiently

By connecting them to our Influencers.

The trend of influencer brand exposure is a vital aspect of social media marketing. The influencers we choose has made a lasting impact on it’s followers. Clients value the opinion of these influencers, running to social media to hear what their fashion influencers say, whether it’s learning about a new product or a new brand. We invite wine brands to join the position Unwine is offering to reach a wider  international client base. Unwine also offer this platform to car, fashion, electronics, soft drinks, mineral water and other business brands. etc. We invite  business in  need of effective marketing to join forces with Unwine and get your brand in front of more than 10,000,000  followers. If you want your brand in-front of your desired audience, you have to take this opportunity before its’s gone. 

We help

Giving product support

Find Influencers

Start Growing Your Brand

Exposing your wine

Expanding your sales reach

R Unwine

Social media is more effective than traditional marketing

Approximately 92% of marketers worldwide agree that social media is more effective than traditional marketing campaigns

Step 01

Create a Campaign

Identify your goal. What are you hoping to achieve with your social media campaign?

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Step 02

Choose Influencers

Our influencers are geared to bring out the best in your brand to the right niche. Thus we offer influencers who bring authenticity to each campaign. Our influencers adhere to the global wine industry. However, we have learned through past experience not pick influencers just based on the relevance of the wine industry.

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Step 03

Monitor Your Campaign

Social Media Campaign Monitoring is important for the success of any campaign. With the help of Monitoring software we deconstruct conversation behind your campaign’s hashtag and help you measure and share performance on a daily, weekly and or monthly basis.

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Step 04

We assist clients all the way

We assist clients to analyse their campaigns in real time. Taking control of your marketing make sense cause you definitely not paying in cents. That’s why clients can access campaign data on their mobile devices to monitor performance in real time. 

Become an Unwine influencer today

The world’s biggest influencer wine-tasting and entrepreneurial show. Join 200 influencers from 20 wine-producing countries, tasting 1000 wines, to win prizes to the value of $1,000,000.